This project is a labor of love, funded only by donations as far as possible. If you'd like to contribute time, talent, or treasure to keep it going, keep reading.

Donate Talent

How'd you like to help?

This project only has a future insofar as folks step forward to help Fr. Brian develop and perform the music. He's looking for vocalists, instrumentalists, photographers, videographers, and anyone else who can provide technical help to keep this project progressing.

If you are living in the Twin Cities (MN) or DC area and would like to contribute your talents to forward the revolution, please...

Donate Funds

Your funding will go to future ÆTERNUM projects, unless for whatever reason the project has to be abandoned (unlikely, but not impossible, sorry).

Uses of these funds include: maintenance of online presence, upgrading equipment, paying professional recording costs, money gifts to our collaborators, and (maybe) funding live shows.

There are three ways you can help us financially, all directing funds to the Province of St. Albert the Great Dominicans, a registered U.S. non-profit.

Funds donated are earmarked for ÆTERNUM by the Province: no funds are held personally.

Method #1

Indirectly through Bandcamp, you can purchase the audio track for $5 to cover BC's costs of business, but we ask you to please donate what you can in excess of that amount.

Method #2

Indirectly through our Substack, you can especially support articles that explore the concepts of ÆTERNUM and its releases

Method #3

Directly through PayPal, you can donate funds directly to ÆTERNUM: one-time, monthly, yearly.

If you would like to support us in any other way, please contact us.