Before you keep scrolling, an important PSA...
New singers, new song!
To know more...
Click below for the ÆTERNUM Substack, especially the most recent update here.
To support...
Every donation you give will be tripled by two generous donors who have agreed to give matching funds. Let's make this happen!
While you wait on all of that, enjoy our first song...
"Domine refugium" (Psalm 90)
Released on November 1st, 2023...
A high-quality audio track is also available for download and streaming at Bandcamp. You can use this as just one opportunity to support the cause by donating an amount in excess of the price.
"What is this?" (Ex 16:15)
What if Sequentia got together with Pelican to make some righteous noise? Literally!?
Welcome to ÆTERNUM.
Minnesota-grown, it now continues as a nomadic experimental music project organized by Fr. Brian John Zuelke, O.P.
In the years to come, they hope to slowly build up a collection of excellent mash-ups between sacred texts and popular music forms.
Continue below for details about the project and how to follow our progress into the future.